Penis Enlargement Technique One

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If you really want to enlarge your penis, this is the technique men swear by. You can perform this either standing up or sitting down.

1. With the penis in its flaccid state, take one hand and grip firmly around the head of your penis. Be careful not to cut off too much circulation.

2. Pull your penis out directly in front of yourself. Stretch it as much as you can without causing pain or discomfort. Hold it there for 5 minutes. After each minute, pull it out slightly further each time.

3. Relax for one minute. “Twirl” your penis in a circular motion about 30 times. This gets the circulation flowing again.

4. Repeat Step Two again 4 times, except pull your penis in a different direction each time… up, down, to the left, and to the right. After each 5 minute pull, repeat Step 3.

5. After you’ve completed 5 pulls (5 minutes each), pull your penis out directly in front of you one more time. Give it a good 1-minute stretch and 10 slight “tugs” outward, not jerking too hard.

Stretching the penis with your hand produces the same results as traditional penis weight systems.

The best way to use your hand is by applying most of the pressure anywhere else except on the dorsal nerve, which is that thin nerve that runs along the top of the penis.

There is nothing wrong with designing your own way of gripping your penis, as long as you know where and where not to apply the wrong pressures. Again,  DON’T HOLD TOO TIGHT, otherwise you’ll cut off the circulation.
This exercise will ensure a longer penis within as little as 2 weeks, but within 3-4 months will really be noticeable.


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